Current Projects
Gespa e. V. is internationally active. It promotes solidarity throughout the world and builds partnerships between people and nature. Through its initiatives, it contributes to environmental and climate protection and to social justice. It is a strong advocate for poverty alleviation, food security and the preservation of natural resources. Emphasis is placed on promoting relations between countries of the Global South and countries of the Global North.
Since 2023
The youth environmental media project puts young people in the role of environmental ambassadors. The nationwide project was launched with the aim of sensitizing young people to environmental issues and empowering them to advocate for a sustainable future by creating videos, podcast episodes, blog and social media posts, thus raising awareness of sustainability and encouraging society to make more environmentally friendly choices.
2023 - 2026
The Gespa e. V. realizes in cooperation with OVN (Organic Venture Nepal) a project to improve the living situation of smallholder farmers, who are all active in organic agriculture in five districts of Nepal. The goals of the project are to improve the income situation of the farmers through training, the formation of cooperatives and the establishment of their own fair marketing system, as well as to promote the idea of fair trade, self-organization and organic farming in Nepal. The project is funded by the Niedersächsischen Bingo-Umweltstiftung. For the necessary own contribution of Gespa e.V. we still need donations.
Since 2022
Costa Rica
In our partner project in Costa Rica, climate protection is combined with environmental education and the empowerment of women. The Bosque Azul project is dedicated to the reforestation of rainforest on former pastureland and the cultivation of healthy local foodstuffs through the establishment of agroforestry systems. The project benefits women in particular by enabling them to develop their own entrepreneurship through participation in production. Environmental education concepts are created and implemented, supporting the development of sustainable structures in the region.
2022 - 2025
Gespa e. V. realizes a project in cooperation with the Colombian partner organization Fundación Granitos de Paz in Cartagena, which involves the realization of an integral family project. Key components include establishing infrastructure and capabilities for urban food production, promoting non-violence through sports, implementing educational initiatives, and facilitating the integration of individuals who have previously struggled with substance abuse into the workforce.
2020 - 2023
In Honduras, we are working with CODDEFFAGOLF to promote adaptation to climate change, improve risk management and sustainably safeguard the natural resources of the marine ecosystems in the Gulf of Fonseca. Together with the Bonn-based tropical forest foundation OroVerde, we have now been able to significantly increase our commitment in Honduras.